Wednesday, February 11, 2015

- death of the relationship -

I was tired of the people who pretend they care and are there for you,
but in reality,
they are behind your back..
talking about you and putting you down..
they change in a blink of an eye..
yours; one day and gone; the other day...
People are quick to find faults in others than facing their own...
perfect in pointing out others while shrugging their shoulders and freeing themselves from the responsibility they ought to carry..
I had learned life is better alone.. your own world..
just you and your heart..
exposed to less expectations, hurt, hypocrites, judgment and disappointment that way..
but then..
you came and made me believe in the goodness and trustworthiness of people..
Yes! I trusted you.. stupid of me...
i trusted you to value my feelings and know how I feel..
n you said you do understand and value them.. restored my faith..
but then,
you amazingly went right back around and betrayed all of the trust and respect I had..
left me stunned with the acceptance of the bitter truth..
..truth i had accepted long time ago..
truth about people and their hypocrisy..
truth about people and their double standards..
and turned me al numb and dead again!!