Thursday, August 3, 2017

Manipulative Relationship..

This article is what I came across recently..
Although it's been long since I'm in denial of the facts but now things are hitting hard on me..
I feel like being in that very same relationship all over again...the one that left me with scars that can't be removed...
Same feeling of manipulation and parasitic characteristics is prevailing around me...
The feeling of being taken advantage of...
Being used..
Being stuck in a dark room with no way out..
And when I mention it,  it is said to hit them in heart... without realizing that,  this exactly is the thing one is doing constantly to me..
Things that are refused or avoided when they're demanded by me are readily accepted when asked by others...
sometimes in name of finances,
sometimes in name of elder's approval,
sometimes by delaying without justification...
I'm just so disappointed and pissed at the same time...
I'm only seen when either,
it comes to being their support system..
being understanding,
being going through a trial or bad time,
or whatever they're getting through...
but rest of the things and perks are coldly avoided in times of enjoying once the turmoil is over...
How mean and rude..
I'm again at the point where I'm seeing no more light, no more hopes in this...
I know and believe that I can provide better living to my children without being next to anyone... specially the ones who're selfish and inconsiderate of others after fulfilling their own needs..
Just waiting for these few weeks to pass so that I can close some chapters and move on to new ones..

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Life is only when you're around!

It's been ages since I've written anything, especially about,
and myself...
But as promised...
I couldn't stop myself from writing about how I feel without you...
this exactly is the most relatable word I can use to describe exactly how I'm feeling since you left...
Empty House...
Empty Room...
Empty Bedside...
Empty me...
this feel of emptiness has prevailed my heart so deeply that I literally feel like being left
There's no fun in watching English Vinglish without you...
No taste in a chilled glass of coke...
No comfort in sleeping on whole bed without getting disturbed...
No happiness in seeing stupid stuff by Aysh...
Nothing interest me anymore...
Miss you bad... Like anything...
Miss getting irritated by your silly jokes...
Miss getting pampered with your calm warm hugs...
Miss your teasing ways of being around...
Miss every little thing about you...
about US...
come back to me soon my love...
Vj is empty without you...
May Allah SWT bless you with utmost success and prosper you in achieving your goal ameen...
